Visitor's  Photograph Album
Private pictures from nowadays taken by visitors of our homepage.
(Page 22)
The Andrew Sisters, 
Airshow Terra Heute, Indiana  2007 
(Sender: Ray Marino aka Col Codman General's Aid US 3rd Army, Italy)
.Col. Blakley and Capt. Tessi, 
Perle Event Luxemburg 
(Sender: Ray Marino aka Col Codman General's Aid US 3rd Army, Italy)
.Rosie the Riveter 
(Sender: Wallis, Belgium)
Battle of the Bulge, Fort Indian Town GAP ,
Pennsylvania, January 2010 
(Sender: Rafecho, USA)
(Senders are responsible for their pictures. Copyrights held by senders.)
Many thanks to all senders!
Don't be shy and help to fill this album with your photographs.
Send your pictures to Blitzkriegbaby: